Our Journey with Sunni Chapman (Client Testimonial)
In this week’s episode, we bring you the lovely and sweet Sunni Chapman. Sunni is the Founder of The Salty Olive and creator of the Feast or Famine No More Course and one of our awesome clients. We started working with Sunni before our Agency had a name, and it only fits to have her share her experience so far with Vetted Tech Virtual Assistants.
In this evolving digital era, it is vital for online entrepreneurs to focus on their zone of genius and scale up their businesses. This is precisely what Sunni is doing, and in this episode, she shares how you can too. The most humbling part is she is empowering women in Africa, women stuck in abusive relations because they lack financial freedom. Women who have doctorates and master’s degrees who have failed to secure jobs. Women who live in a country that has a 95% unemployment rate.